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Friday, February 4, 2011



So this is the fourth day in a row I've been working from home due to the ice storm that blew through town Monday night.  We're all starting to get a little stir crazy bumming around the house all day because driving is out of the question (mainly because it's more like ice skating with your car).  So we walked to the nearest CVS yesterday just for a breath of fresh air and a couple of groceries.

If any of you are having the same winter woes, then stay warm and safe!  Here's today's word verification (#22):


1.  having traveled too fast in snowy conditions
Ex: When we walked to CVS yesterday, we passed an aquaduct and saw that some driver had snosped over an icy patch and into it.  (They took out some large bushes on the way down, too)


AmberLaShell said...

Yes, I have been stuck in the house too, and it's driving me crazy! I walked to the store yesterday too. I'm lucky I live close enough to things to walk to them. It was just starting to look up and then I wake up, and dang, 6 more inches of snow. Good luck on your side of town.

Anonymous said...

I'm too far to walk anywhere so... Vehicle ice skating I go! I think I'll stop by the local Starbucks and grab a drink...

Kara Hoag said...

Screw the urban dictionary. I want the capcha dictionary!

visions unto myself

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