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Friday, June 11, 2010

Friday 6/11


I don’t have a navigation system in my car.  I do, however, have my general good sense of direction and, of course, my male instincts, but not a portable electronic one to paste to my windshield.  I either know where to go or I look at a map (old fashioned, huh?  Not so fast…).  Well, nowadays the map has moved online.  I usually just print mapquest or google maps before I go somewhere unfamiliar and voila!  No need for the fancy, British accent telling me where to turn.  Online maps, as advanced as they are, still seem to overlook a few things.  Here are some features that should be available that aren’t yet.

#1  “Start on Step 5”
Online maps are so specific, they tell you how to get out of your own neighborhood.  “Step 1, Back Out of Driveway.”  “Step 2, Go Straight on Your Street to the End of it.”  I think we can all get that far without help.  Unfortunately, that might be assuming too much for some people. 

#2  “Avoid Ghetto”
Have you ever taken directions from an online map and end up driving down a street where even police officers don’t go?  I have.  And then wonder if you should start calling relatives to say some last goodbyes in case you don’t make it out alive?  Quite possibly, yes.  Don’t you wish you could know ahead of time so you could go around?  I do. 

#3  “Avoid School Zones”
I’m all for our kids’ safety, I just hate driving so slooooooooow!  Sometimes, I feel like I’d rather be riding molasses down a tree in January!  Or watching the evolution of primordial ooze into protozoa.  I know there are ways to get around school zones.  Online maps can usually tell us where every McDonald’s and Starbucks is, so they should be able to help us avoid mind-numbingly slow school zones, too.

By: S. Cole Garrett


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