My Car Did
I'm a commercial geek. I watch 'em. . . and I generally enjoy them. I'm extremely judgmental about them, too. I tend to be vocal about good advertising versus bad advertising. (Like the recent Burger King breakfast commercials: stuuuuuuuupid. Flute solo? Really?) Anyway, car commercials are almost always ranked among the worst. Why? Because they've all been done. (Actually, Ford F-150 has had some very good ones over the last couple of years.)
There are only so many angles you can film a car doing donuts in the desert or zooming down unrealistically unoccupied city streets. When that stops working, companies try to cram customer testimonials into their ads, when is never convincing. Well, Mercedes Benz went the testimonial route. The customers were very honest, but, well, see for yourself:
So let me get this straight, if you want to guiltlessly take your eyes off the road whenever you'd like, fall asleep at the wheel, and drive for more continuous hours than legally allowed by a semi-truck driver . . . then you should buy a Mercedes E-Class. Right? Did anyone else get that from that commercial? You buy the Benz, you can be a lazy driver. Cool. How much is this going to cost?
Guess I'll have to drive lazy in my regular car.

See what else I'm up to > > > >
Well, I guess tha would take away any ideas someone has about trying to commit suicide in it.. Just as soon as you are about to drive yourself off of the cliff, your car stops you. Damn, LOL
LOL at both you and Amber.
I hate that Burger King commercial with the flute-- they could at least make it look like he's playing it! Yes, I am very judgmental when it comes to commercials, too.
LOL! Great post. So true!
Hmm, I wonder if it brings your insurance premiums down? Just sayin'...
Sweet! So now I can text, change the radio, talk on the phone, eat, and drink my coffee all at the same time without worry of crashing into anyone! Maybe kick my feet back, take a nap...
@ Anonymous Yep, that's the gist of it! :)
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