This is supposed to be the "About Me" page, but let's be honest. My blog is influenced by everyone and everything around me. So I feel like this page wouldn't be dealt justice if I didn't include my family. So without further ado . . .
About Us
We are like a mini Brady bunch. We consist of me, my wife Mandalyn, and our two kids, Ethan and Eva. Ethan is my son and Eva is Mandalyn's daughter. But now we're all one big happy mix. With any luck, Ethan and Eva will eventually have another brother or sister. ;-)
So what else? Well, I write Dry Humor Daily in my extremely-hard-to-find free time (usually late at night when I should be sleeping like a responsible adult), as well as keep up my other two websites. My real job, however, is in the software industry. I work for a company that makes software for independent grocery stores. (Trust me, you've never heard of it.) It's not quite astronaut or doctor status, but it pays the bills and I actually really, really enjoy it. Mandalyn works for New York & Company.
I also play ice hockey . . . in Texas . . . so there.
I've been writing Dry Humor Daily for over a year now and I absolutely love it. I started blogging for fun, and I continue to blog for fun. Hopefully, that comes across in my posts. And I am elated every day that people actually go out of their way to read what I have to say.
Thank you, thank you, and thank you!

See what else I'm up to > > > >
nice to actually know more about you!
jos xx
What a lovely family you have! Somehow, being from Canada, ice hockey and Texas just doesn't quite compute for
Thanks for introducing yourself to us!
I never knew this page existed!! (Because apparently I am not observant!)
How adorable! Your family is too sweet, and I love your wife's name.
Keep up the hockey! I am Canadian, and appreciate any American willing to go from hot outdoors, willingly, into a cold arena. Good on ya!
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