Happy Easter, everyone! (Oh wait, that was yesterday. . .) Well, happy belated Easter! I hope you all had your fill of Peeps and chocolate bunnies. I know I did. (Just kidding. I hate peeps.) That brings us to the final week of the A to Z blog challenge! I hope you've all been learning and using big, new words on your friends. :)
U is for: Uranology
Go ahead. Get all of the Uranus jokes out of your system. I'll wait.
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Okay. Uranology is basically another word for astronomy, or the study of the heavens. Even though it sounds like it is just the study of that one planet, Uranus, it's more like the study of all things other-worldly. So yes, a person who studies uranology would be a uranologist. (Not something you dreamed about being when you were a kid, huh . . .)
I'm gonna throw in a bonus snicker word: Uranomania. It's an astrology obsession. Try using that one in conversation without laughing!
See what else I'm up to > > > >
It also kind of sounds like if you were to spell Urology wrong. So, given the way you misconstrue it, you can either be studying urine or heavens. Each are satisfying, aren't they?
Trie using it in a sentence, but laughed too hard
Why does everyone hate peeps? You know, besides the fact that they're florescent and kind of gross...
Great word, by the way.
I work in a high school - the kids would have a riot with this one! lol
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