Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Plane Crossing

I'm almost at a loss for words, here . . . (almost, that is.)

1.  Is that really the best place for a runway?
2.  Is that really the best place for a road?
3.  My favorite part is the cross statue (near the bottom of the picture).  That way you remember to pray before you drive across a freaking runway, lol!  

I don't care how careful or secure that crossing is, it's crazy.  Too many "what ifs" . . .


  1. Must be on a tropical island somewhere, where actual land is minimal... I can only assume.

    Or the transportation division of their government just really wanted to eff with people.


  2. @ Dazee Dreamer I wish I knew! Sorry, I don't.

  3. Well islandwise, we know it's not in Cuba or Haiti... they come by boat.
